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Ground Water Consultancy

Ground Water Consultancy


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The site is about the consultancy services offered by experienced Hydrogeologist,



Former Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India, in the field of Ground Water in India.
Ground Water Consultant .... Accredited by Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA), Govt. of India
Empanelled FAE ... NABET

Worked for Central Ground Water Board, Govt. of India, from 1974 to 2010. During this tenure, completed many important projects involving ground water exploration in hard and soft rocks, water well construction, testing of aquifers, wells; hydrogeological mapping for critical areas, for Defence establishments, UNESCO, State Govt. agencies; actively participated in Indo-Canadian collaboration project on Ground Water Balance studies; completed several Remote Sensing data based studies for ground water exploration, hydrogeological and geomorphological mapping; Ground Water Modeling studies in canal command area for Conjunctive Use of surface and ground waters; managed Ground Water Databases on computers; developed software for analysis of pumping test data of water wells and chemical analysis data of water; trained many scientists of State and Central Govts.,; worked for the World Bank, as a Short Term Consultant; compiled report on ground water conditions in part of Cauvery delta region and prepared Aquifer Model for Asian Development Bank; consultant to several thermal power projects in preparing comprehensive Ground Water Reports and Maps including Rain Water Harvesting Plans for obtaining NOC from Central / State Ground Water Authorities; hydrogeological conditions around Mining areas, ground water flow modeling around open cast mining area to estimate seepage, impact on ground water regime in the surrounding area and connected studies based on the need for ground water management.
The site is about the consultancy services offered by experienced Hydrogeologist, B. JAYA KUMAR
    Former Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India, in the field of Ground Water in India.
Ground Water Consultant .... Accredited by Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA), Govt. of India
Empanelled FAE ... NABET
Worked for Central Ground Water Board, Govt....
Contact Us
A1 - 501, LUNKAD GOLD COAST, VIMAN NAGAR, PUNE - 411014 Flat A-22, Steel & Mines Complex, Sri Nagar Colony, HYDERABAD - 500 073
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